
Tested on olympus Endoscopes

Packaging Information Catalog No.
4 x 5 L HDPE bottles 100120
8 x 2,5 L HDPE bottles 100496

Composition %(w/w):
Bis (3-aminopropyl) dodecylamine – 21,0
Didecyldimethylammonium chloride – 14,0
Corrosion inhibitors, tensides – 20,00

Antimicrobial Properties

Bactericidal ( Incl. Tb –MRSA ) Fungicidal
Virus inactivating (HBV, HCV, HIV, Rota, Vaccinia, Adeno, Polio, Norowalk, Papova)

Usage Areas

  • Used for the disinfection of;
  • Heat resistant or heat sensitive instruments/devices
  • Rigid or flexible endoscopes in different areas of application (MIS, dentistry, surgery, endoscopy, intensive care, anesthesia and laboratory)
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The SAAF Clearing Services is a critical resource for the new or existing business owners looking to improve or turnaround their businesses. SAAF Clearing Services provides excellent insight on what it takes to be successful in our business community. They have helped many clients like me and prospects prepare business plans and financial projections that result in sound presentations. With their knowledge, expertise, and resources, SAAF Clearing Services gets businesses on the right track and helps them maintain their financial objectives along the way.

Amanda Seyfried
Sales & Marketing, Alien Ltd.

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