Concentrated Solution for Surface & Incubator DisinfectionSurface Transport & Logistics

Concentrated Solution for Surface & Incubator Disinfection

The effort vastly improved the company’s planning and execution functions, they knew that in order to succeed in this era of technology their accounting systems needed to be much more robust than what they are. They turned to WP consulting to improve their accounting systems.


ldehyde Free -Phenol Free
For Sensitive Surfaces, Neutral PH

Packaging Information Catalog No.
4 x 5 L HDPE bottles 100045
8 x 2,5 L HDPE bottles 100038

Composition : (%(w/w)
Alkylethylbenzyldimethylammoniumchloride – 3,3
Didecyldimethylammoniumchloride – 3,3
Alkylbenzyldimethylammoniumchloride – 3,3
Nonionic tensides, corrosion inhibitors – 3,3

Antimicrobial Properties
Bactericidal ( Incl. Tb –MRSA )
Virus inactivating (HBV, HCV, HIV, Rota, Vaccinia, Adeno, Polio, Norowalk, Papova)

Usage Areas

  • Trisalva is used in the disinfection and cleaning of ;
  • Incubators,neonatal units and premature services
  • Dentistry device and equipment surfaces
  • All kinds of medical surfaces and inventory
  • Operating and consulting rooms, diagnosis and treatment units
  • Clinics, hemodialisis units, emergency- intensive care units,
  • ambulances,trolleys
  • Epoxy, PVC,Linoleum floors
  • Bed sides, LCD monitors, serum hangers, nurse desks, office appliances
  • Surfaces and probes of radiological, monitoring and laboratory devices
  • Sanitary rooms, taps,closets
  • Textile and furniture surfaces
  • Food and drink industry, pharmaceutical industry, veterinary practice
  • Sport centers and clean rooms


The solution WP consulting came up with combined cutting edge technology with real world practicality. Everyone knew that the systems had to be updated, the real challenge was updating them without disrupting the whole organization in a negative way. The solution was to introduce proper workload management done through computers, while providing mobile platforms to the stakeholders.

This allowed the workers to be involved in the job instead of feeling like they had been made redundant by technology.


Arguzo employees are now more empowered; Arguzo also has the benefit of generating reports instantaneously whenever needed. They can now make decisions on the fly based on the latest real time data.

The effort vastly improved the company’s planning and execution functions, created and implemented a new stock policy that accounted for specific SKUs and key variables, streamlined the order preparation process and reduced distribution transport times.

By the numbers, the effort:

  • Reduced lead time by 43%
  • Decreased variability by 50%
  • Lowered the risk of back-order by 95%
  • Increased stock for finished goods by 10%
  • One
  • Two
how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

The SAAF Clearing Services is a critical resource for the new or existing business owners looking to improve or turnaround their businesses. SAAF Clearing Services provides excellent insight on what it takes to be successful in our business community. They have helped many clients like me and prospects prepare business plans and financial projections that result in sound presentations. With their knowledge, expertise, and resources, SAAF Clearing Services gets businesses on the right track and helps them maintain their financial objectives along the way.

Amanda Seyfried
Sales & Marketing, Alien Ltd.

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